Hey Mom, have questions about Homeschooling? Here’s what other moms had to say.
Are you making any new year’s goals? If so, what are they?
You’re not alone.
No matter where you find yourself in the homeschooling journey, we’ve created a community of women who have varying experiences but one united goal: making homeschooling possible.
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Homeschooling when relatives visit: How do you navigate differing opinions?
QuestionMerry Christmas, moms! How do you feel blessed?
QuestionWhat are some new traditions you want to start with your family this year?
QuestionWhat do you secretly want for Christmas?
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QuestionHow do you encourage your kids’ generosity during the holidays?
We’re Here to Take Care of What You Need
With decades of experience, our team of legal advocates and educational consultants stands ready to help you with practical advice, academic planning tools, and personalized support. We are confident that you can make homeschooling possible.
My goal is to stay off my phone during “school hours.” We school in the mornings and our afternoons are for play dates, sports, and therapy. My other goal is to make time weekly to train for my first half marathon!!
This year I would like to memorize blocks of scripture. It’s been on my mind that I’d better start now to prepare for the day the written word may be illegal. I want it in my heart.
Get back to our great habits of lots of reading aloud and loads of outdoor time - including the teen and mom!