Hey Mom, have questions about Homeschooling? Here’s what other moms had to say.

Do you adapt resources for a non-traditional learner?

62% Constantly

33% Sometimes

2% Rarely

2% Never


We have k-12 learners we adapt our material and learning so we can fit them all in

Emoji Wow 0
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring 0
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle 0
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope 0
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious 0
"That's hilarious!"
Emoji Wow
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious
"That's hilarious!"

This year has been a year of constant adjustment and readjustment. My oldest is a mover and has difficulty focusing. I'm working piece by piece to find what works best for him. He also works best one-on-one. I have 4 boys all together and trying to teach him completely separately is a challenge for me.

Emoji Wow 0
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring 0
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle 0
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope 0
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious 0
"That's hilarious!"
Emoji Wow
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious
"That's hilarious!"

That's why we are doing homeschool. He is bright and gets concepts easily. He is also on the autism spectrum and has a low threshold for work. I shorten assignments when he demonstrates understanding, let him type long writing assignments instead of handwriting, and when he is done with the curriculum I've assigned, I let him choose his own activities. Lots of movement breaks.

Emoji Wow 0
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring 0
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle 0
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope 0
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious 0
"That's hilarious!"
Emoji Wow
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious
"That's hilarious!"


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