Hey Mom, have questions about Homeschooling? Here’s what other moms had to say.
Do you incorporate the holidays into your curriculum?
0% We don't. We stick with our routine.
49% We mix it up with a little holiday focus.
20% Certain aspects are key to our studies.
32% 100% holidays 100% of the time.
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Previously on MomPossible
Elf on the Shelf: brilliant, super creepy, or just okay?
QuestionHow do you practice hospitality during the holidays?
QuestionName your top 3 holiday stress reducers!
QuestionHow do you involve your kids in #GivingTuesday?
QuestionWhat strategies do you use to navigate difficult family dynamics?
QuestionHow do you include your family in Thanksgiving prep/clean-up?
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We do a few holiday specific things, like read books that shed truth on Christmas like, “The Real 12 Days of Christmas” by Helen Haidle and “The Story of St. Nicholas: More Than Reindeer and a Red Suit” (the story of Nicolas of Myra the Christian Martyr) by Voice of the Martyrs, but otherwise we pretty much stick to our lessons. My little PKs get Christmas every day 😂✝️🎄
Yes. We are Christians so our focus is on Jesus. But also, just for fun we researched the history of where Santa originated from and how he came to be the chubby man in the red suit.
We focus on the TRUE meaning of Christmas - the Holy Nativity of Christ. We also look into some of the history of that time: who were the rulers, what knd of rulers were they, the way people may have lived in the regions that Jesus's family travelled, where the 3 Magi came from, what it was like in their lands, and the geography of all those regions. I think maybe next we will see if we can delve into a little astronomy at the time that inspired the Magi to follow the Star.