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How did you overcome something hard you faced as a child?


I wish I could say I had adults that guided me and cared for me in my family to help me through the most difficult times. I did have adults, but most of them were social workers, rape crisis counselors, judges, guardian ad litems, etc. None of them were able to reach me deep down inside. However, there were a few very special people that were able to reach me. My Amish foster mother and father taught me forgiveness. My Old Mother and Father, yeoman they were called, taught me the joy of living simply and of being loved like a real daughter. My Irish foster parents made me feel and still do to this day like I belong. The church taught me about the Lord and when I was without any parents or even a home, I clung to that. How did I overcome hard things? Faith. When I was a child and homeless, I had faith I would make it through. Sometimes in spite of church folks, I still had faith that I would manage. Church folks can be very judging. I took three cans of food from a blessing box and was told I was stealing. I was told it was for people that needed it. I was a homeless 14 year old girl. Who needed it more than me? When I saw the same church group giving out food to the homeless, I refused. It turned my heart hard against the church for almost 20 years because of that. I always had faith though that God would look out for me. He did too. If my old yeoman mother and father and my Amish foster parents hadn't have introduced me to the Lord, I would have been faithless and lost.

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"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring 1
"So Inspiring!"
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"You got this, mom!"
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"I hope that works!"
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"That's hilarious!"
Emoji Wow
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring
"So Inspiring!"
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"You got this, mom!"
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"I hope that works!"
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"That's hilarious!"

I had an easy childhood. I had parents who took me to church and loved me. But, there was still something missing and not until I was an adult, married, with a child did I realize what was missing. I needed Jesus Christ. I had always thought I was “good enough.” That somehow my good would out weigh my bad. One day I gave my heart to Jesus and all the inner turmoil that I had went away and in its place was peace.

Emoji Wow 0
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring 1
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle 0
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope 0
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious 0
"That's hilarious!"
Emoji Wow
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious
"That's hilarious!"

1. I am aware of a family with young adults who HAVE been through something terrible as a child. Prayer Warriors- please lift them immediately in your prayers. Currently, there are emotional imbalances, suicidal thoughts, and drug/alcohol use currently going on among the teen/adult children. Thank you! 2. I had an easy childhood, but I was super unsure about myself. Only experience helped me see that I was pretty well on track.

Emoji Wow 0
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring 0
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle 0
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope 0
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious 0
"That's hilarious!"
Emoji Wow
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious
"That's hilarious!"


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