Hey Mom, have questions about Homeschooling? Here’s what other moms had to say.
What advice do you have for younger homeschool families?
33% It's okay to not know everything.
11% It will get easier over time.
6% Don't take yourself too seriously.
50% Try to have some fun!
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Previously on MomPossible
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QuestionDo you feel like you are good at homeschooling?
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Don't worry, just take everything day by day, and it will all work out. Their ability to learn gets exponentially better with each passing year, don't fret if they aren't learning according to yours or anyone else's schedule. Enjoy the moments of each day, they really do fly by.
There will be days when you feel like you achieved nothing. You've still been there for your children, and they've learned something.
Enjoy those early years of read a louds and snuggles, picnics and bugs in jars, nature walks and finger painting! The serious stuff will come but just relax. This season may seem like it’s slow but it will be gone too soon. There is plenty of time for serious study Mommy, enjoy the season of “teaching as you rise up and as you lie down, as you walk along the road...” as long as you can. ❤️