Hey Mom, have questions about Homeschooling? Here’s what other moms had to say.
Who are your biggest encouragers?
22% My friends
50% My family
22% My kids
6% My faith community
You’re not alone.
No matter where you find yourself in the homeschooling journey, we’ve created a community of women who have varying experiences but one united goal: making homeschooling possible.
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Previously on MomPossible
If you had to give a commencement speech, what would it say?
QuestionWhat would you change about your curriculum?
QuestionWhat are your favorite english activities?
QuestionWhat is the funniest thing one of your kids has said to you?
QuestionWhat’s one thing you wish for future homeschoolers?
QuestionWhat would you do with a full day to yourself?
We’re Here to Take Care of What You Need
With decades of experience, our team of legal advocates and educational consultants stands ready to help you with practical advice, academic planning tools, and personalized support. We are confident that you can make homeschooling possible.
Oh my gosh, my husband! I had a traumatic childhood and I was just telling him last night how he was the first one I felt safe with and loved! He is such an amazing encouragement to me and is the glue that holds us together! Because of my trauma growing up, I have C-PTSD to deal with and he encourages and helps me find ways to heal and keeps assuring me that life will get better! What a perfect man the Lord brought to be my husband! I am so thankful for him every day!
I don't feel like anyone is encouraging me.
My Aunt Dona who homeschooled her own children and some grandchildren and foster children with special needs.