Hey Mom, have questions about Homeschooling? Here’s what other moms had to say.

How do you address feelings of saddness/loss during the holidays?


Contemplate the goodness of God. What better time of year to do this? Who can not be struck with awe in contemplating the love God has for us and all that He has done for us? It is in giving we truly receive. This brings forth Charity in our hearts and souls. We return to Jesus this love through the love of each other. " What we do to the least of His brethen, we do unto Him ." Isn't this why most of us chose to homeschool in the first place?? To teach our children about the Wonderful God who created us all but love each of us as if we were the only child He had? To teach them this so that they may spread the Good News of His love to make a better world? The world God intended when He created it? This is how we overcome obstacles. This is how we do Christmas and keep it all the year! Merry Christmas. May His light shine on us all !

Emoji Wow 0
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring 0
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle 0
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope 0
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious 0
"That's hilarious!"
Emoji Wow
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious
"That's hilarious!"

I have lost both parents, a brother and my closest aunt... all in the past 4 years. I am struggling.

Emoji Wow 0
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring 0
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle 0
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope 0
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious 0
"That's hilarious!"
Emoji Wow
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious
"That's hilarious!"

I've lost 4 of my family members within the last 7 years. My family that I have left, try to keep their memory alive with tradition & talking about the many memories we have.

Emoji Wow 0
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring 0
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle 0
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope 0
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious 0
"That's hilarious!"
Emoji Wow
"Wow! What a smart idea!"
Emoji Inspiring
"So Inspiring!"
Emoji Muscle
"You got this, mom!"
Emoji Hope
"I hope that works!"
Emoji Hilarious
"That's hilarious!"


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